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Look at, take care of and learn from other cultures. If this are your basic principles, what could be a more logical step than offering trips to one of the most beautiful countries in the world? The ideal way to express your vision and convince other people to embrace that vision.

The concept is as simple as it is ingenious. The country? Nepal.

Watch: visit the country Nepal. See with your own eyes and enjoy the beauty that Nepal has to offer.

Care: part of the money goes to local projects that are supported by the Wacalea Foundation.

Learn: contact / exchange between travelers and locals. You meet interesting Nepalese people who can give you a different view on the world. Get inspired!


“Nepal is such a nice country, it is my second home, and I want everyone to have been there!”

Manon van den Heuvel, co-founder Wacalea Foundation.


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